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My GitHub blog: things you might be interested, and probably not...

Welcome ablog

I will use the GitHub Pages to write what am I generally experiencing as Machine Learning Analyst and Prediction Engineer.

Note that I am avoding to use word Data Scientist. The reason is twofold:

I could say that I cover the first three with more-or-less some experience (SQL being the most vague one). However, as applied physicsist I do not have real money-making domain. Hence I do not see myself as Data Scientist (yet!).

[E.3] Infographic Diagram of A. Burkov “The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book”

A0 poster-like summary of Andriy Burkov’s book The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book. There is high-resolution .pdf, .png and .jpg file as the source file itself.

» »Click here« « for more details.

[E.2] AML - Natural Language Processing: Telegram Chat-bot

Helpful AWS+Docker trick/tips for Natural Language Processing course, that is part of the Coursera’s Advanced Machine Learning specialization.

» »Click here« « for more details.

[E.1] AML - Reinforcement Learning assignment typos

Helpful coding insights for Reinforcement Learning course, that is part of the Coursera’s Advanced Machine Learning specialization.

» »Click here« « for more details.